Singing Guide: Spike Jones & His City Slickers

Singing Guide: Spike Jones & His City Slickers

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Spike Jones & His City Slickers was a popular American musical group that specialized in parodies of popular songs. Their unique sound was created by incorporating unusual elements like gunshots, cowbells, and car horns into their music. In this article, we will explore how to learn to sing like Spike Jones.

One of the keys to imitating Spike Jones is to pay close attention to his unique vocal style. He used a variety of techniques to create his distinctive sound, including growling and exaggerated enunciation. To achieve a similar sound, it is important to practice these techniques diligently.

To begin, it is helpful to first warm up your voice. Singing exercises like the Farinelli breathing technique and the 3 Minute Warm Up video are great for getting your vocal cords limber and ready to sing.

Once you are warmed up, begin practicing your growling technique. A great exercise for this is the How to Growl Exercise video. This video provides a step-by-step guide to help you create the growling sound often used in Spike Jones' music.

Next, practice your enunciation. Spike Jones was known for his exaggerated pronunciation, which often added a comedic effect to his songs. Check out the Articulation article to learn more about how to improve your enunciation.

To learn specific songs by Spike Jones, check out the Singing Carrots songbook and search for Spike Jones songs. One example of a famous Spike Jones parody is "Cocktails for Two," which transforms a romantic ballad into a comical drinking song. Singing along to this song and others like it can help you to further develop your Spike Jones-style singing abilities.

In addition to these specific exercises and songs, continue to practice and develop good singing habits. The articles on vocal health, breathing, and resonance can provide excellent guidance to help you improve your overall singing technique.

For more singing exercises and tips, check out the Singing Carrots Tools section. With dedication and practice, it is possible to learn to sing like Spike Jones. Utilize the Singing Carrots resources and singing exercises to help you achieve the unique sound for which he and his City Slickers were famous.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.